Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just what is it with the Food & Nutrition coursework? I thought mine was good because I spent
a lot of time on it! Instead, Ker Jyn's one, of all people, was picked out to be the best (although
not perfect). Omigod. Haha. But whatever.
I have been jogging and running this past week. I really want to increase my fitness level. I envy
girls who can run faster than me. I want to know their secret!
why does everyone gets so hyped up about V-day? It's no big deal seriously. I agree with S
that it is the period where most businesses will soar and get lots of profits because of people my
age who would go around buying gifts!
Oh got to go there are a lot of homeworks to be done, like for example I have to start on the
Research draft! How to post pictures though?? I forgot. Waaaaaa.... Nevermind there is a next time, unless of course, I drop dead.

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